
Characteristics of titanium powder and its application as an additive

The particle shape of titanium powder is spherical, polygonal, sponge-like and flake, etc. The particle shape is related to the method of preparing titanium powder. The requirements for titanium powder generally include three aspects, namely purity, particle size and particle shape. Titanium powder particle size is divided into 4 grades, the particle size of 1000-50pm is coarse powder, 50-10pm is fine powder, 10-0.5pm is fine powder, and less than 0.5pm is ultrafine powder. The purity of titanium powder includes titanium content and impurity content. The purity of titanium powder is related to its particle size. For products of the same specification, the smaller the particle size, the lower the purity. Usually coarse titanium powder with titanium content greater than or equal to 99%, or close to 99% is called grade product (if it is titanium alloy powder, it should include alloy components), and products with less than this content are called foreign products. in the grade. In addition to the requirements of special purposes, it is generally classified by oxygen content. That is, the lower the oxygen content, the better the quality and the higher the grade. Those with an oxygen content of less than 0.15% are high-quality titanium powders.

There are two ways to add titanium to aluminum alloys. One is to add intermediate titanium alloys, which are block-shaped and filamentous; the second is to add titanium additives, which is to add titanium elements; the third is to add refiners, which are specially refined. Casting structure, not alloying elements, is not subject to compositional analysis.

(1) Titanium additives. The titanium additive is to adjust the titanium content in the aluminum alloy. It is pressed into blocks or cakes with titanium plus aluminum powder or flux salts. Among them, the titanium powder content is 55%-75%, and the aluminum powder or flux salts are 45%-25%, which are put into the molten aluminum alloy as needed. If such additives use flux salts as ingredients, they should be careful not to absorb moisture or moisture. In fact, the flux salts in the product are useless. It is most suitable to add packaged pure metal powder.

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